36 days of type (2018)
One letter (number) a day
I took this opportunity as a ´daily´ challenge while learning Cinema 4D ..
I´ve been posting these in one of my (three) Instagram accounts: https://www.instagram.com/25d.cz
One letter (number) a day
I took this opportunity as a ´daily´ challenge while learning Cinema 4D ..
I´ve been posting these in one of my (three) Instagram accounts: https://www.instagram.com/25d.cz

Andrew Kramer (and his newly released tutorials) inspired me for these two, X & Y ..
Just couldn´t resist to give it a try ... :)
(After Effects procedural texturing)
Just couldn´t resist to give it a try ... :)
(After Effects procedural texturing)

Z .. the last one .. no Cinema 4d here, just a photo I took in my studio, this time ..