Beauty Retouch /Asheria  (stylized/high-end retouching style)

Photographer: Phillip Filtz
Model: Asheria
Retouch: Alena Hovorkova

About the retouching ´style´, in general:
While some photographers prefer clean & natural look, 
some others prefer a bit more stylized (´high-end´/´ high-perfection´) style.
Technically -  retoucher´s work may range from very subtle, invisible touches - up to some complete heavy ´artistic´ make-over, perhaps (in case the photographer/client may wish to).
Like in other fields/specializations - retouching also may have it´s own different styles, trends etc... (and not all of them may always actually be the retoucher´s cup of tea, sometimes, though - but that´s what retouching work is all about, in general - a way of how to make the photographer/client happy ..)

This particular retouch - Asheria - is an example of a bit more stylized/high-end retouching style /(TF)

For some more examples, incl. a bit more ´natural´ retouching style (incl. some more postproduction work examples), pls visit another (summary) project of mine:
Before x after animation
(lower quality due to *gif compression)
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