Spending too much time at the computer,
sometimes I need to escape for a while ..
and switch ..
to something completely different ..

Inspir&e ..

.. is a brand of mine based on my hand-made & hand-crafted bookbinding activities.

Bookbinding .. and beyond, actually.
Including both traditional materials /techniques, as well as other /mixed media techniques and materials .. used for special, one-of-a-kind artistically crafted pieces of ´book art´ .. (or just a piece of art in any other form .. )

In case you are interested in more - please switch to my other (one of three) Behance account :

I started this separate Behance porftolio - just for Inspir&e projects - since I wanted to keep my digital and non-digital/craft activities separated.
In case I manage to create another new handmade book or a ´piece of book art´, from time to time - I´ll be adding it over there.

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In answer to questions I am getting from my ´Photoshop folowers´:
No, I did not quit Photoshop-related nor other digital activities. Photoshop-related work, image postproduction/PS training (etc.) is still my main professional focus. Handmade crafts/bookbinding is my ´alter ego´ personal hobby only - that I devote my spare time to while relaxing from computer ... (and - that - somehow, recently - to my surprise - happened to turn into a small/occasional side-business, too.
I never ever will stop loving Photoshop, and my ´digital world´ profession  ...
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(Document / Photo by myself)
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