NASA Horsehead Nebula .. in 2.5D (Facebook 3D post)
(incl. brief ´making-of´)
Some time ago (earlier in 2019/2018), when Facebook introduced a new type of ´3D´ posts -
it opened up some interesting ways of presenting ´flat´ 2D imagery - with an added depth/´volume´, in a ´3D space´ (kind of) .. all made out of a single photo.

While the technology was originally ment for (a few recent types of) dual camera iPhones only - for taking ´3D´ pictures of the real world, via a cell phone camera - photographers and/or FB users ´discovered´, pretty soon, that the ´technology´ also works pretty well for other types of imagery, not taken with a cell phone .. or even not a photo, at all (illustrations, etc.) ..

The magic behind this - technically - is pretty ´simple´, it´s basically a combination of a captured image and its depth map (either captured/generated via cell phones, supporting 3D-photo feature, or - created in some other way - manually, rendered using 3D app, etc.)

In a nutshell / oversimplified explanation - but I am not going into the details of the tech side, here ..
as there´s already tons of info available on-line, since then ..
(and also due to my limited English .. )

But - as I did a few ´experiments´, at the time the technology was still pretty new, some time ago,
here I wanted to share at least one of those ..
for which I used one of beautiful images from free/public NASA library ..

New infrared view of the Horsehead Nebula — Hubble’s 23rd anniversary image

(Note: as this technology only works for Facebook posts, there´s no way I can present it here - live - so - I ´screencaptured´ the image via iPhone ´videocapture´, instead.
For ´live´ 3D Facebook link, to see it ´in action´ -  pls scroll down to the bottom of this project .. )

(brief) Making-of /overview

The NASA imagery is beautiful by itself, and also - as it represents unique ´visual information´ - so - I did not change/manipulate the original photo, in any way (beside a little exposure enhancement / in Photoshop).
Then - as the image itself is just one part of the ´game´ - a depth map needed to be ´added´,
so as the 3D/depth effect could work.
And - as it was impossible to ´capture´ 3D depth information directly by the camera, in this case (taken by a Hubble telescope :) ) ..
I had to create (paint) the depth map manually, in Photoshop.
So, here it is (both positive/negative)

´Make it 3D´ ...
So, now - both the image and the depth map needed to be ´merged´ together, somehow, so as FB could ´read´/recognize them, as a single ´3D´ image, with an added depth to it.
For this, I used Depth Cam (iPhone) app, by BrainFeverMedia ..
Worked nicely ..
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