If a snake was .. responsive ..
an old #UX/webdesign meme ..
(re)designed & animated by Alena Hovorkova
an old #UX/webdesign meme ..
(re)designed & animated by Alena Hovorkova
Animation / frame by frame - Animate CC, After Effects, Photoshop
Making-of / process ..

Note / about the original concept / idea ..
´If a snake was responsive .. ´ is actually an old UX/webdesign meme .. that has been shared /re-shared many times, in many on-line places, by many people .. and over time became.. kind of ´generic´ ..
Actually, neither I know (couldn´t find out) who the original author is .. nor I know when/where I came across this ´snake case´ first time ..
But .. as I liked it .. I just thought I´d give it a try .. and .. animate it, in my own way.
So pls take ´my version´ with a grain of salt :)
(For a bit more serious explanation and/or a real ´science´ behind this meme,
a nice demo of UX snake´s behavior can be found - for example - in an old article by Vitor Paladini - ).
´If a snake was responsive .. ´ is actually an old UX/webdesign meme .. that has been shared /re-shared many times, in many on-line places, by many people .. and over time became.. kind of ´generic´ ..
Actually, neither I know (couldn´t find out) who the original author is .. nor I know when/where I came across this ´snake case´ first time ..
But .. as I liked it .. I just thought I´d give it a try .. and .. animate it, in my own way.
So pls take ´my version´ with a grain of salt :)
(For a bit more serious explanation and/or a real ´science´ behind this meme,
a nice demo of UX snake´s behavior can be found - for example - in an old article by Vitor Paladini - ).