Motiongrapher´s sketchbook ..
@Mograph.diaries .. a new account of mine ..
Summary / all (4) Inst. accounts of mine ..

Motiongrapher´s Sketchbook, kind of. 
Basically .. just random / messy .. sketches / concept ideas / tests .. or illustrations .. or styleframes ideas .. captured before they go .. All done with a motion design or animation in mind .. Both stills and in motion ..
explainer /edu / motion design / character / animation ..

Photoshop (and beyond) - mainly general image postproduction related / multi-media image editing .. and/or .. other posts/demos, where PS was involved /as a significant part of workflow ..

2.5D / fake 3D .. turning 2D still imagery to 3D / adding motion, parallax depth, etc.,
+ some random AR experiments ..
(matte-painting, camera-projection etc.)
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