LOGO animation ..
(& sign / icon / lettering .. etc.) .. in motion
2020 - 2021 random selection of a few ´moving´ projects ..

After Effects / Animate or Photoshop (for frame by frame)

(more examples /info yet to be added .. )

Selected projects / Demo
(s) ..
(some synced w. audio)
School of Motion logo animation / within a training session / personal project
(more info / making-of in a separate project)

Logo design by Martin Hrabanek
2019 SoM Holiday card entry / Som / Lettering animation ..
(more info / making-of) in a separate project)

Veruna Expainer 
(more info/ making-of in a separate project)

Lettering .. in motion / 36-days-of-type 
(more in a separate project)

Xuxoe logo animation
Yes & No / Liquid motion in lettering ..
(more info/credits in a separate project)

Other .. / random examples ..
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